Housing and LandRights Violation Case Documentation Form



Land  Rights


I.          Theviolation

Date(s)of violation: ---/-------/---- (through ---/-------/----)

Time(s)of violation: ---/-------/---- (through ---/-------/----)

Date you began this record:--/--/---- Date you completed this record: --/--/----


Identifytype of violation:

Bulldozing q  razing oftopsoil q  destruction of crops q  implantation of settlers q

erosion q  dumpingof toxins or toxic waste q  armed actionq  naturaldisaster q  confiscation q  otherq  (describe: ---------------)


Exact location anddimensions of affected land plot:


Plot number: --------   county/district: -------   State/country: -------------


Area of plot: ------- (landarea measured in units of ------); equivalent in sq. meters: ------


Type of area: urban q  suburban q  rural q  camp q  plannedand serviced area q  informalsettlement q  farm q  grazingzone q  forest q



II.         Identifyaffected community / persons


II.A      If affectedpersons form a community:

What is thecommonly known name of the community?   -----------------------------


Does the communityhave another name for themselves? What is it?  ----------------------


Give the preciselocation of the affected group or community:


Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------



What is the community’s size andcomposition? (Approximate, if you must, but try to be as accurate as possible.)

What is the community’s total population?













What number and/or proportion of the individuals in the community affected?













How many families in the community?













What number and/or proportion of families affected?













In the community, how many affected people are male?













In the community, how many affected people are female?














Also identify the numbers and/orproportions of children, minorities, persons with special needs (medicalconditions, disability, elderly) and those subject to historic discrimination:







II.B      If affectedpersons are individuals:


Residents:      nuclear family q  extendedfamily q multiple families  q


Listall residents:       -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]


Also identify the numbers and/orproportions of children, minorities, persons with special needs (medicalconditions, disability, elderly) and those subject to historic discrimination:






Type of land tenure:  ownership q  rental contract q  sublease q  landgrant q  joint/collective ownership q  inheritedland q  other q


Is victim also householdprovider?  Yes q No  q If Yes, s/he provides for (no.) --- adults, for (no.)--- children


If no, name provider:--------- -------- -----  Isprovider also resident?  Yes q  Noq


Ifno, give contacts:  

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------



Number of persons whoselivelihood depends on the land plot: ­­­---­­­­----


If those depending on theland are not owners, identify the actual landowner:


Fullname of landowner:                               ---------------- ---------- 

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------


Type of land tenure:  Ownership q  rental contract q  sublease q  landgrant q  joint/collective ownership q  inheritedland q  other q



III.        Meansof carrying out the violation

Means ofdamage/destruction:  bulldozer q  gunfire/artilleryq  airbornemissile q  rocket q chemicals q  tank q other q (describe:---------------)


Identify type and origin ofdestructive means:  Brand/company ofmanufacture:  --------------


Model: -------------  Country of origin: -------------  Serial number: -----------------


Direction of violation(from):  military base q  militaryposition or checkpoint q  aircraft  q  tank q  militarypersonnel/infantry/militia q  settlersq  factoryq  wastedump q

other q ­­(describe: -------------)



IV.       Dutyholder(s):

Status of principalperpetrator:  private actor q  publicofficial/officer q  corporationq


Identity of principalperpetrator, or immediately responsible public official/officer:      


Full name: --------- --------- ----------  Title: ­­­­----------  Rank: ----------  Serial/identification no.-------------------  Police/securityforces unit:  ---------

Armed service branch: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-------------------  Unit: ­­­­­----------------


Address                                                         -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -----------------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Tel:                  --------------- ------

Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------

[Copy & paste this sectionto add lines as needed.]



Fullname: --------- --------- ---------- Title: ­­­­----------  Rank: ----------  Serial/identification no.-------------------  Police unit:  ­­­----------

Armed service branch: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-------------------  Unit: ­­­­­----------------


Address                                                         -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -----------------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Tel:                  --------------- ------

Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------



Identity of principalperpetrator, or immediately responsible private party:       

Corporate officer (s) q  settler(s)q other q

Name:----------- ---------- ---------- Title: ­­­­----------  

Identification no.-------------------   Type of document: -----­­­----------

Relationship to victim(s), ifany: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------- 


Organization:                                                 ----------------------------

Address                                                         -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -----------------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Tel:                  --------------- ------

Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for more identifiable parties as needed.]



Whoordered the violation (if different from principal perpetrator)?

Full name:--------------------  --------------------------


Nationality (andcitizenship, if different): -------------------


I.D. number:-------------------- Type of document: -----------


Organization:                                                 ----------------------------

Address                                                         -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -----------------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Tel:                  --------------- ------

Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for more identifiable parties as needed.]


What reasons, if any, have thoseresponsible (duty holders, violators) given for the violation?




Who gave thosereasons?

Full name: --------------------  ------------ --------------  Title: ­­­-----------

Position: ------------------------   Is this position official: q  civilian: q?


Nationality ------------------- (and citizenship, ifdifferent): -------------------


I.D. number:-------------------- Type of document: -----------



Organization:                                                 ----------------------------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for more identifiable parties as needed.]



IV.A     Identify duty-holdingmanufacturer of the destructive means:

Company:                                                      ----------------------------

CEO:                                                              ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------



IV.B    Identify duty-holdingsupplier/importer of the destructive means (if appropriate):


Company:                                                      ----------------------------

CEO:                                                              ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------



IV.C    Identify duty-holding localdistributor of the destructive means (ifappropriate):


Company:                                                      ----------------------------

CEO:                                                              ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------



V.        Documentingconsequences:

Land area affected: ----(measured in units of ------); equivalent in sq. meters: ------


At the time of the violation,was the land cultivated q   vacant/unused q  fallow q  combination q  other q


Land Rights Violation “Loss Matrix”

Type and description of cost/loss

Quantification method



Long-term values/ losses


Victims’ Material Losses



current market value (before violation)





Fruit bearing trees

type & number @ production value + replacement value





type and number @ replacement value




Functional (e.g., demarcating land)

type and number @ replacement value






planted area @ harvest value + replacement value





planted area @ harvest value + replacement value




Flowering plants

planted area @ harvest value + replacement value





planted area @ harvest value, if any, + replacement value






current replacement value of installations




Climatic controls[1]

current replacement value of installations





type (chain link, stone, etc.) by height and length and replacement value + reinstallation costs





type (chain link, iron, stone, wooden, etc.) by height and length and replacement value + reinstallation costs




Water & irrigation

type and current replacement values of delivery system, or alternative + cost of interim substitute sources




Water pumps

type and current replacement values




Storage tanks

type (material structure and intended contents) and current replacement values




Other structures (sheds, toilets, rest huts, etc)

type, materials, size, contents and current replacement values





current replacement values




Sprinkler system

type and current replacement values





Fertilizer, pest control, etc.

short and long-term returns expected from values




Land improvements

market cost of actual labor invested over determined period




Security protection systems

values invested




Education, vocational training, etc.

short and long-term returns expected from values invested





Household pets

@ replacement value + sentimental value





market value at maturity





market value at maturity





market value at maturity





market value at maturity





market value at maturity and/or utility value




Donkeys & mules

market value at maturity and/or utility value




Insects (e.g., bees)

productive value + replacement value






market value at maturity and/or utility value + replacement value









Victims’ Nonmaterial Losses



Living space


Reconstruction licensing


Psychological harm


Disintegration of family


Loss of community








Political marginalization


Social marginalization


Further vulnerabilities




Other-than-Victims’ Material Costs









Other forces


Bureaucratic and personnel costs






Other-than-Victims’ Nonmaterial Costs

Social costs


Civic order


Political legitimacy



Total material costs/losses



How does the total of this materialloss compare with the victim’s annual household income?


Total losses ¸ annual household income = years of labor & investment


What is the water source forthe cultivated land plot?  Pipedwater q  artesianwell q  rainfallcollection q  municipalwater q   other q


What type of tenurearrangement do you have over these sources? Private ownership q   joint/collective ownership q   rental q   other q


Were water sources damagedor destroyed in course or aftermath of the violation? If so, was thisdamage/destruction total q or partial q? How will thesesources be replaced in the short term and the long run.


What type irrigation networkexisted on the land: canals q  pipes q  dripirrigation q  rain q other  q (if other, describe:--------------) ?


What are the specificationof the irrigation canals?  Length---- meters,  width ----, depth ----,  averagevolume of water carried ---- cubic meters/day. Land area irrigated ---(measured in units of ------); equivalent in sq. meters: ------.


What are the specificationsof the irrigation pipes (including drip irrigation)?  Material: metal q synthetic q concrete q terra cotta/clay q?


What is the total length ---- meters?  What is the gauge ----?  What is the average volume of watercarried ---- cubic meters/day.  Whatis the land area irrigated --- (measured in units of ------); equivalent in sq.meters: ------.


Were irrigation poolsdamaged or destroyed in the violation? Yes q  No q  None present q


From what type a materialare the pools constructed: metal q, synthetic/plastic q, concrete q, other q (specify: -------). If affected, were pools damagedor destroyed completely q, or partially q?  Pleaseestimate the damage in cubic meters of volume lost: ----cm.


Can you access this landnow? If not, what is preventing you? Armed forces q settlers q court orderwith threat of arrest q


Does the topsoil remain onthe land? If not, has it been bulldozed into a heap on the land site q, or has itbeen removed to another location off the land q?


Who has undertaken theinvestment in land improvements over the past five years? The landowner(s) q the renter q both together q.



VI.       Responses

VI.A     Relief services

Did the victims receive aidfrom any party? If Yes, is the assistance coming from a government body q a local NGO q aninternational agency q, or other q. Are they still receiving this aid? Yes q  No q


Please identify the aidorganization(s) and the type(s) of aid provided.


Organization name:                                                  ----------------------------


Contactperson:                                                                     ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------


Describe the type of aidor service provided: -----------------------­­­-------------------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for more identifiable parties as needed.]



VI.B    Media efforts

Has any media agencyinvestigated and/or reported on this case? Yes q  no q  If yes,name the contact agency and contact person:


Name:                                                             ----------------------------

Title/position:                                                 ----------------------------

Mediaagency:                                               ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for additional contact persons, if necessary.]



VI.C    Legal remedy

Has a legal case been raisedby, on behalf of the victims? Yes  q No  q If the answer is no, or the progress of previouscourt cases has not delivered the desired results, would you like to raise acourt case to remedy the violation?


Are victim(s) involved inthe case as plaintiffs q or defendants q.


Is the dispute being resolvedoutside of court? If so, by what method? ----------------------


If you have not raised asuit, are you considering to do so? Yes q  No q


If a current case is beforethe courts, please provide some basic details:


Case title (with names of prosecuting and defendantparties):



Casenumber: --------------  Court:-------------  Judicial district:-------------------

Datefiled: --/--/----  Date decided:--/--/----  (Settlement date, if outof court,:  --/--/----)


(1) ------- ------- --------(2) ------- ------- -------- (3) ------- ------- --------


Fullname of prosecuting attorney:              ---------------- ---------- 

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------


Fullname of defense attorney:                    ---------------- ---------- 

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communication numbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------


Resultsof case (if any):






Has there been an appeal inthe case? Yes q No q  Not yetq


Would you consider mountingan appeal in this case? Yes q No q  Willthink about it q



VII.      Yourcertification of the facts

Victim/affected person:---------------------------         Date:--/----/----



Other person filing this form:-----------------------      Date: --/----/----


Relationshipto victim/affected person:      ----------------------------

Organization:                                                 ----------------------------

Position:                                                        ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­----------------------------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------



[1] For instance, humidifiers or winterwarming pots (as in citrus groves).