Housing and Land Rights Violation Case Documentation Form



Housing  Rights



I.          Theviolation

Date(s) of violation:---/-------/---- (through ---/-------/----)


Time(s) of violation:---/-------/---- (through ---/-------/----)


Date you began this record:--/--/---- Date you completed this record: --/--/----


Type of area: urban q  suburban q  rural q  camp q  plannedand serviced area q  informalsettlement q  farmhouse q  nomadichousing q  forestdwelling q


What is the type ofviolation? forced eviction q  housedemolition  q  denialof inheritance  q

confiscation  q  damage to home and/or property  q  environmental degradation  q other q

If other, define theviolation: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------------------------------------



II.         Identifyaffected community / persons

II.A      If affectedpersons form a community:

What is the nameby which the community is commonly known? --------------------------


Does the communityhave another name for themselves? What is it?  ----------------------


Give the preciselocation of the affected group or community:


Address/location:                                          -----------------------  ---------------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Type of affected area:  city q  town  q village  q  slum q  camp q caravan  q  slum q

informal settlement q  planned and serviced area q  


What is the community’s size andcomposition? (Approximate, if you must, but try to be as accurate as possible.)


What is the community’s total population?













What number and/or proportion of the individuals in the community affected?













How many families in the community?













What number and/or proportion of families affected?













In the community, how many affected people are male?













In the community, how many affected people are female?














Also identify the numbersand/or proportions of children, minorities, persons with special needs (medicalconditions, disability, elderly) and those subject to historic discrimination:







II.B      If affectedpersons are individuals:

Full name of owner/tenureholder: -------------------- ------------ --------------


Nationality:----------------  (and citizenship,if different: -------------------)


I.D. number:-------------------- Type of document: -----------


Completeaddress of affected housing unit:

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Type of affected area:  city q  town  q village  q  slum q  camp q caravan  q  slum q

informal settlement q  planned and serviced area q  


Completecurrent address (if different):     

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              --------------- ------


Sex/gender:   q Female    q Male   q Other


Civil status:    q single  q  partnered    q married    q separated q divorced  q widowed


Birthdate:       --/-----/----


Full name of spouse (ifany):  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­--------------------------- --------------


(Additionalnames, if more than one spouse: ­­­­­­­­       ---------------------- ------------

­­­­­­­­                                                                                    --------------------- ------------

­­­­­­­­                                                                                    ---------------------- ------------


Namesand ages of children:                                   ---------------------- (age)--------

                                                                                    ---------------------- (age)--------

                                                                                    ---------------------- (age)--------

                                                                                    ---------------------- (age)--------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]


Refugee status:  q registeredrefugee    q not registered refugee


Occupation:   -------------------            Workplace:   -----------------------

                                                                        Address:        -----------------------


                                                                        WorkTel:        ------ ------ ------


Residents:      q nuclear family      q extended family    q  multiple families


Listall residents:       -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

                                    -------------------- ---------- (age)----

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]


Also identify the numbersand/or proportions of children, minorities, persons with special needs (medicalconditions, disability, elderly) and those subject to historic discrimination:






Is victim/tenure holder alsothe household provider?  q Yes  q No  If Yes, s/he provides for ---  adults  --- children.  If no, name provider: --------- -------------  Is provider also resident? q Yes  q No


Ifno, give contacts:  

Street address:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communication numbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              --------------- ------


Ifvictim is not owner, identify owner/landlord:       

Fullname:                                                      ------------------ ---------- 

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              --------------- ------

III.        Identifyingthe means of violation

Cause ofloss/damage/destruction:  demolitionq  explosives q  occupation q  vandalism  q

pollution q  toxicwaste q  naturaldisaster q  other  q (describe:--------------------)


Means ofdamage/destruction:  bulldozer q  gunfire/artilleryq  airbornemissile q  rocket q gas q  tankq  other   q  (describe: -------------------­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­--------------------------)


Identifytype and origin of destructive means: Brand/company of manufacture: --------------

Model: -------------  Country of origin: -------------  Serial number: -----------------


Direction of violation(from):  q  militarybase  q military position or checkpoint q aircraft 

q tank  q military personnel/infantry/militia   q settlers  q other ­­---------------------



IV.       Identifyingduty holder(s):

Status of principalperpetrator:  q  privateactor  q public official/officer  q corporation


Identity of principalperpetrator, or immediately responsible public official/officer:      


Fullname: --------- --------- ---------- Title: ­­­­----------  Rank: ----------  Serial/identification no.-------------------  Police unit:  ­­­----------

Armed service branch: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-------------------  Unit: ­­­­­----------------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]




Fullname: --------- --------- ---------- Title: ­­­­----------  Rank: ----------  Serial/identification no.-------------------  Police unit:  ­­­----------

Armed service branch: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-------------------  Unit: ­­­­­----------------



Identity of principalperpetrator, or immediately responsible private party:       

q corporate official(s)  q settler(s)  q other:------------------


Name:----------- ---------- ---------- Title: ­­­­----------  Rank: ----------  Identification no.-------------------              Party represented: -----­­­----------

Relationship to victim(s),if any: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------- 

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for more identifiable parties as needed.]



Whoordered the violation (if different from principal perpetrator)?

Full name:--------------------  --------------------------


Nationality (andcitizenship, if different): -------------------


I.D. number:-------------------- Type of document: -----------



Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------


What reasons, if any, havethose responsible (duty holders, violators) given for the violation?




Whogave those reasons?

Full name: --------------------  ------------ --------------  Title: ­­­-----------

Position: ------------------------   Official position: q  Civilian position: q


Nationality ------------------- (and citizenship, ifdifferent): -------------------

I.D.number: -------------------- Type of document: -----------



Organization:                                                 ----------------------------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------



IV.A     Identify duty-holdingmanufacturer of the destructive means (ifappropriate):


Company:                                                      ----------------------------

CEO:                                                              ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------



IV.B    Identify duty-holdingsupplier/importer of the destructive means (if appropriate):


Company:                                                      ----------------------------

CEO:                                                              ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------



IV.C    Identify duty-holding localdistributor of the destructive means (ifappropriate):


Company:                                                      ----------------------------

CEO:                                                              ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------



V.        Documentingconsequences:

Which type of tenurevictim(s) hold:    q own  q rent  q lease q squat


Groundarea of structure:                             -----square meters

Floor space of residentialunit:                    -----square meters 


Type of property affected:    q villa  q single family home q duplex  q multistory structure

q  apartmentq commercial property  q kiosk q wall/fence q plot of land q infrastructure q other  If other, describe:------------------------------------------------------


If multiplex or multistorystructure, how many storeys? ----- How many units? -----


How many rooms in structure?­­­----  How many roomsaffected? ­­­­----


Does the affected housingunit have:  q kitchen?  q bathroom? q living room? q garage?

q bedroom? How many? ----


Degree of affect: q complete unit(s) no. of units ----  q partial no.of units ----



Housing Rights Violation “Loss Matrix”

Type and description of cost/loss

Quantification method



Long-term values/ losses


Victims’ Material Losses







Number and mass (in square meters) @ replacement value




Doorways (frames and doors)

Number (wooden) @ replacement value





Number (wooden & glass) @ replacement value





Number (metal) @ replacement value





Number (metal & glass) @ replacement value





Number (other) @ replacement value




Window frames

Number (wooden frame) @ replacement value





Number (metal frame) @ replacement value





Number (other) @ replacement value





Size and grade @ replacement value





Surface area & material (wooden, shingled) @ replacement value





Surface area & material (concrete) @ replacement value





Surface area & material (metal) @ replacement value





Surface area & material (thatch) @ replacement value





Surface area & material (other) @ replacement value




Infrastructure installations

Heating & cooling systems

Gas heaters @ replacement value





Gas furnace @ replacement value





Oil heaters @ replacement value





Oil furnace @ replacement value





Electric heaters @ replacement value





Electric furnace @ replacement value





Solar heating units @ replacement value





AC units @ replacement value





Central AC @ replacement value





Gas water heaters @ replacement value





Oil water heaters @ replacement value





Electric water heaters @ replacement value





Solar water heaters @ replacement value





Other(s) @ replacement value





Replacement value pipes, drainage, water-delivery system, sanitation & cost of labor to replace




Electrical installations

Replacement value of wiring, fixtures & cost of labor to replace




Other utilities

Replacement values of gas and oil pipelines, fixtures and related installations & cost of labor to replace






Number of beds with mattresses by type @ replacement value





Number of cabinets by type @ replacement value





Vanity & dresser (x number) @ replacement value










Sofas (x number & type) @ replacement value





Chairs (x number & type) @ replacement value





Tables (x number & type) @ replacement value





Carpets (by number, type & size) @ replacement value





Inventory by number and type @ replacement value





Television(s) @ replacement value





Computer(s) @ replacement value





Refrigerator(s) @ replacement value





Oven(s) & stove(s) @ replacement value





Clothes washer @ replacement value





Clothes dryer @ replacement value





Sound equipment (recorders, music systems) @ replacement value





Other @ replacement value




Kitchen items

Kitchen appliances @ replacement value





Inventory of dishes, cutlery, cooking utensils, pots & pans @ replacement value





Inventory by item and value @ replacement value




Personal items

Replacement values of books, recordings, memorabilia, collections and all personal items lost





Current market values (before violation)




Plants & vegetation

Houseplants @ replacement value





Shrubbery @ replacement value





Fruit bearing





Ornamental @ replacement value





Demarcating land @ replacement value





Number of plants @ replacement value





Harvest value




Animals & livestock


Household pets @ replacement value





Cattle (market value at maturity)





Sheep (market value at maturity)





Goats (market value at maturity)





Poultry (market value at maturity)





Other (market value at maturity)




Vehicles and equipment


Automobile(s) @ replacement value





Utility vehicle(s) @ replacement value





Business & office machines





Manufacturing equipment & machines





Cultivation and harvest equipment @ replacement value





Farm equipment @ replacement value





Farming implements @ replacement value





Other @ replacement value





Collateral damage

@ replacement value




Utilities infrastructure

@ replacement value




Business losses

@ replacement value





@ replacement value




     Prospective income

@ replacement value




Mortgage, other debt penalties

Actual costs




Lost/decreased wages/income

Actual losses




Health care

Actual costs




Interim housing

Actual costs, or equivalent market value for rent for comparable accommodation donated by others




Bureaucratic and legal fees

Actual costs




Alternative housing

Actual costs





Actual costs, including moving, storage, losses in the moving process, transportation and other fees




Transportation costs

Actual costs as a result of resettlement and additional transport costs to access livelihood and meet social needs









Victims’ Nonmaterial Losses



Living space


Reconstruction licensing


Psychological harm


Disintegration of family


Loss of community








Political marginalization


Social marginalization


Further vulnerabilities




Other-than-Victims’ Material Costs









Other forces


Bureaucratic and personnel costs






Other-than-Victims’ Nonmaterial Costs

Social costs


Civic order


Political legitimacy



Total material costs/losses



How does the total of thismaterial loss compare with the victim’s annual household income?


Total losses ¸ annual household income = years of labor & investment


Was the residence occupiedat the time of the violation? q Yes  q No.  Ifyes, explain who was inside and the circumstances of the person(s).


Did the perpetrators give warningbefore carrying out the violation? Please describe the circumstances, includingthe period of the warning and the actions of the inhabitants.








Was anyone injured in thecourse or aftermath of the violation? q Yes  q no

IfYes, identify those injured:

Name: ---------- ------------------  Age: ----  Relationship to residents: ----------

Name:---------- --------- ---------  Age:----  Relationship to residents:----------

Name:---------- --------- ---------  Age:----  Relationship to residents:----------

Name: ---------- ------------------  Age: ----  Relationship to residents: ----------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]


Was anyone killed in thecourse or aftermath of the violation?

Name:---------- --------- ---------  Age:----  Relationship to residents:----------

Name:---------- --------- ---------  Age:----  Relationship to residents:----------

Name: ---------- ------------------  Age: ----  Relationship to residents: ----------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]


Wasthis home or property previously subject to violation? q Yes  q No  IfYes, please briefly describe those circumstances:






[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]



Is the present state of thehousing unit(s) suitable for habitation? q Yes  q no


Isthe housing unit(s) presently occupied? q Yes  q No  If Yes, who presently occupied thehousing unit?

Name:------- ------ ---------  Age:----  Relationship to originalresidents: ----------

Name: ------- ---------------  Age: ----  Relationship to original residents:----------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines as needed.]


Otherwise,where are the original inhabitants residing? Briefly describe their circumstancesand tenure in the current residence. Please also indicate if their currenttenure is as renters, guests of friends and/or relatives, living in a camp,owners of another residents, etc.:



 [Copy & paste this section to addlines as needed.]



VI.       Responses

VI.A     Relief services

Are the victims currentlyreceiving aid from any party? If Yes, is the assistance coming from agovernment body q a local NGO q aninternational agency q, or otherq . Please identify the aid organization and the typeof aid provided.


Please identify the aidorganization(s) and the type(s) of aid provided.


Organization name:                                      ----------------------------

Contactperson:                                             ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------


Describe the type ofaid or service provided: -----------------------­­­-------------------

[Copy & paste this sectionto add lines for more identifiable parties as needed.]



VI.B    Media efforts

Has any media agencyinvestigated and/or reported on this case? Yes q  no q  If yes,name the contact agency and contact person:


Name:                                                             ----------------------------

Title/position:                                                 ----------------------------

Mediaagency:                                               ----------------- ----------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

[Copy & paste thissection to add lines for additional contact persons, if necessary.]



VI.C    Legal remedy

Has a legal case been raisedby, on behalf of the victims? Yes  q No  q If the answer is no, or the progress of previouscourt cases has not delivered the desired results, would you like to raise acourt case to remedy the violation?


Are victim(s) involved inthe case as plaintiffs q or defendants q.


Is the dispute beingresolved outside of court? If so, by what method? ----------------------


If you have not raised asuit, are you considering to do so? Yes q  No q


If a current case is beforethe courts, please provide some basic details:


Case title (with names of prosecuting and defendantparties):



Casenumber: --------------  Court:-------------  Judicial district:-------------------

Datefiled: --/--/----  Date decided:--/--/----  (Settlement date, if outof court,:  --/--/----)


(1) ------- ------- --------(2) ------- ------- -------- (3) ------- ------- --------


Fullname of prosecuting attorney:              ---------------- ---------- 

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------


Fullname of defense attorney:                    ---------------- ---------- 

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communication numbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------


Resultsof case (if any):








Has there been an appeal inthe case? Yes q No q  Not yetq


Would you consider mountingan appeal in this case? Yes q No q  Willthink about it q


VII.      Yourcertification of the facts

Victim/affected person:---------------------------         Date:--/----/----



Other person filing thisform: -----------------------      Date: --/----/----


Relationshipto victim/affected person:      ----------------------------

Organization:                                                 ----------------------------

Position:                                                        ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­----------------------------

Streetaddress:                                             -----------------------  ----                       

P.O.Box:                                                        -------------

City/town/village:                                           -----------------------

District/region:                                               -----------------------

State/country:                                     -----------------------


Communicationnumbers:    Telephone:     -------- ------- ------

                                                Fax:                 --------------- ------

                                                Mobile:           --------------- ------

                                                E-mail:            ----------------------

                                                Other:              ­­­­--------------- ------